Privacy Notice


This privacy notice declares how we, Regent Pflugfabrik GmbH, FN 229714s, Bahnhofstraße 105, 4800 Attnang-Puchheim, process your personal data.

The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us. This is why we process your data exclusively on basis to the legal regulations (in particular DSGVO, DSG, TKG 2003).


1.  Purpose of Processing Personal Data

We process personal data of employees, applicants, partners, customers and suppliers for the purpose of any business and therefore related with the fulfillment of legal obligations and contractual requirements. Legal basis is, depending on the processing, a contractual or a pre-contractual relationship ( Art 6 Abs 1 lit b DSGVO), your consent (Art 6 Abs 1 lit a DSGVO) a legal obligation (Art 6 Abs 1 lit c DSGVO) or legitimate prevailing interests (Art 6 Abs 1 lit f DSGVO).


1.1.  Processing of customer & supplier data

We save and process personal data provided by interested parties, suppliers, customers and their employees (in particular name, address, contact details, VAT number, registration number, contact details of the contact person) to provide quotations and to process commissioning as well as to comply related contractual and legal obligations. Furthermore data is going to be forwarded to authorities and public bodies to comply legal obligations.


1.2.  Applicants

Contact data and application documents which has been provided in the course of an application are processed electronically for the purpose for the selection for suitable candidates for an employment relationship. In the case of a rejection the application documents are kept on file only if you agree.


1.3.  Website & Email

When you visit our website information is automatically stored on our web server. It includes the browser used, the operating system used, which website has called attention to our web presence, the IP address, time of access and other information. In our view this is pseudonymised data and can not be assigned to unique persons without further sources of data. We do not analyse these data, as long as there is no illegal use of our website.

We process these data to provide this website to you and to improve and to develop it, to detect attacks on our website and to avoid and investigate them.

If you contact us by form on our website our by email your indicated data is stored for 6 months for processing of your demand and in the case of follow-up questions.


1.4.  Newsletter

Information on name and email address which has been provided in the course of registering for the newsletter is used to keep you updated with news of our company and current offers on a regular basis. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter you may object to it at any time. Therefore call up the link to deactivate email correspondence that is contained in each of the emails that we send. By revoking your consent the legality of processing which has have been made on basis of your consent until your revocation is not undermined


2.  Principles of the Processing of Personal Data

The processing of personal data is based on strict principles, which see the protection and the security of data and rights of the persons concerned as greatest assets. The processing of data is performed legitimately and in good faith. The concerned person will be informed on the planned processing and handling of the data when collecting data. Thus, persons concerned are at least informed about the following points.


The data is collected and processed for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. The processing of the data does not take place in a manner incompatible with these purposes. Only those data are collected and processed which are absolutely necessary for the stated purposes. If it is possible to achieve the purpose and the effort is reasonable, only anonymous data will be processed.

Personal data is deleted as soon as the purpose for which it was originally collected expires and legal retention periods do not prevent them from being deleted. If, in individual cases, there are protection-worthy interests in these data, they will continue to be stored, until the protection-worthy interest has been legally clarified.

Applicant data will be kept for at least 6 months after the cancellation by us, unless there is explicit consent for a longer retention of the applicant. Customer and supplier data (business letters, order forms, invoices and the like) are kept for at least 7 years after termination of the contractual relationship (§ 212 Abs 1 UGB).



Personal data is subject to data secrecy. The data are to be handled confidentially and are protected by appropriate organizational and technical measures against unauthorized access, unlawful manipulation or disclosure as well as loss and destruction.

Personal data must be kept correct, complete and up-to-date. Appropriate measures are taken to correct out-dated, incorrect or incomplete data.


3.  Commitment on Data Secrecy

All our employees are contractually bound to secrecy and are regularly advised and trained on the safe handling of personal and other critical data.


4.  Data Security

Protecting the confidentiality, availability and integrity of data is very important to us. This applies equally to company secrets, customer data, personal data and other critical information. For this purpose, technical and organizational security measures are established and constantly improved according to our possibilities.


5.  Rights of the Persons Concerned

Any concerned person, whose personal data are processed by us has the opportunity at any time to invoke his data subject rights and to assert them against us. To exercise your rights, you can always contact us in writing:


 Regent Pflugfabrik GmbH  FN 229714s

 Bahnhofstraße 105

 4800 Attnang-Puchheim


Information Desk:

Affected persons may at any time request information about which personal data is processed about them and which purposes this processing serves.


Affected persons have the right to demand the immediate rectification of incorrect personal data concerning them.


Affected persons have the right to restrict processing if the accuracy of the data concerning them is disputed, the processing is unlawful, the data are no longer needed for processing or the affected persons have objected to the processing.


Affected persons have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning them.


Affected persons have the right to receive the personal data they have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format. They also have the right to request the transfer of this data to another person responsible, if technically feasible. The transferability applies only to personal data that is processed using automated procedures.

Deletion – Right to be Forgotten:

The concerned person has the right to demand immediate deletion of the personal data concerning him / her if the legal basis for the processing of the data is missing or omitted, the data processing is objected, the data processing is unlawful and no legal retention periods make deletion impossible.

Data security also has a high priority in terms of the rights of the persons affected, which is why the assertion of rights of the persons affected is only possible after a clear identification of the affected person. You also have the right to complain to the data protection authority at any time.


6.  Data Transmission

A transfer of personal data to recipients outside the corporate group and recipients in EU third countries will only be in accordance with applicable laws and on lawful basis and with the utmost confidentiality and data security.

For data processing we make use of various processors. All processors are contractually bound by a contract data processing agreement to comply with the applicable data protection laws.

We transfer personal data in particular to IT service providers, customers, suppliers, banks, tax consultants, lawyers, insurance companies, authorities and courts appointed by us.

Regent plough factory Ltd.