NEW The swing system FTS

The frame swing system FTS swings the frame of the plough to the centre of the tractor before the turning process without changing the adjusted cutting width. Hereby the lifetime of the bearing of the plough body is maximised and above all an overlapping of the priority axis with the rotary axis is achieved. The outcome is a turning process with strongly reduced loads for the headstock of the plough and for the tractor hitch.

Your advantages:

  • Small width for street transport
  • Frame swivelling without crossing the cutting width
  • Overlapping of priority axis and rotary axis
  • Increased security at turning (especial for hillsides)
  • Decreased peak loads at the headstock
  • Decreased peak loads at the tractor hitch
  • Increased stability for a long lifetime

The new Titan 180 from REGENT

The latest development from REGENT has given special emphasis to longevity and service friendliness. With the Titan 180, the REGENT technicians have developed a new generation plough where conventional lubrication points have been replaced by robust, maintenance-free special bushings.

The result is a plough for large companies and contractors to reduce the service effort to a minimum. In addition, the robust Titan 180 features a proven but unique segment frame. The cutting width is preselected hydraulically between 33 cm and 58 cm per share. The Titan 180 can be rounded off by a new hydraulically depth-adjustable support wheel (ø700x350).

With this REGENT novelty, the plough expert controls the working depth at any time and changes can be done comfortably from the driver's cab.



Non-stop stone protection now also available for track eradictors!

Regent keeps expanding its product palette constantly and therefore it attaches great  importance to quality, user-friendliness and individuality of its products.

Track eradictors for power harrows are becoming increasingly popular because of the exact and depth loosening of the soil compactions caused by tractor wheels.

Thereby the root growth benefits and at the same time the potential erosion risk can be reduced.

Also the abrasion of the tine rotors behind the tractor wheels decreases.

For that reason Regent has enlarged its product palette with track eradictors with stone protection.

The track eradictors are fabricated very robust and can be easily adjusted in working depth. The release force can be adjusted very precisely by means of tensioning device to different soil conditions.

Regent plough factory Ltd.